Anne Hamilton has not set their biography yet

Bhola 2011 and beyond...

Returned from another Trustees Meeting in respect of Bhola's Children.  It's always a delight to catch up with everyone - and this time to introduce Simon to them.  It seems that despite the occupational hazards of living in the Bay of Bengal (monsoon, cyclone, flooding), the home is going from strength to strength.  Ali and the children remain self-sufficient in terms of vegetables and fish, and the plans for a purpose built workshop instead of the haphazard lean-to, are well in hand - funds permitting.  This will allow a more comprehensive training for carpentry and tailoring for the older young people, thus giving them a better chance of making their own independent living when they leave Bhola Garden.  Dinah is off this week for her visit and I think we have plans to take Simon next October... it really will be his second home.Speaking of Simon - a milestone for him...
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January Blues

It's as if I'm 10 years old again and have been asked to write a diary in school; by day four the scintillating content reduced to 'got up, did nothing, ate dinner, went to bed...' So there's not a great deal to report on the book front and whilst I should be creative enough to think of some witty, writerly anecdotes, I'm not.  I'm too busy singing Incy-wincy spider at a hundred decibels in a vain attempt to distract Simon from noticing I'm trying to get him dressed.  (He's a naturist in the making, doesn't believe in clothes).  Or I'm displaying my nipples in more places than the average glamour model in order to feed him.  It's all more than worth it of course, it just means I get to the end of the day wondering why I didn't do anything about the publicity, marketing, interest etc in A Blonde Bengali Wife, or...
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What people are saying...

And these are reviews from people I don't even know - thank you!Dearbhaile said on Facebook:'Just wanted to say that I loved, loved, loved 'a blonde Bengali wife!!!" It's been a while since I got into a book like that and couldn't put it down. Haven't laughed so much in ages. As they say: I maximum enjoyed!'Juliet in an email to the friend who sent her the copy said:' much I'm enjoying this book. Anne Hamilton has a wonderfully amusing way of writing and "turn ofphrase" describing some of the almost ludicrous situations she, and Christine, find themselves in! Thank you so much'And Moira, also via an email:'Thanks for letting me know about this book of Anne Hamilton’s.  I don’t think I know Anne but her book is marvellous.  Having bought a copy for myself I will also buy it for any other friend who has travelled off the beaten track. ...
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New Year, New Start?

A very happy, if belated, new year to you all!I'm not sure how we can be thirteen days into January and this is my first posting for a month.  So much for that new year, new start philosophy in which I intended to get ahead in all things writing/work/study... Still, a wonderful Christmas with Simon and yes, he did wear a little Santa suit despite my protestations about dressing babies up.  It's all Julie's fault for seeing it in the charity shop window, and it was just the right size, and, and, and, excuses galore... but: cute or what????And the stocking is All My Own Work, yes I know, I should stick to writing.  But I'm proud of it.  Oh dear, doting mother moment!It seems that quite a lot of people gave or got A Blonde Bengali Wife for Christmas; sales from Alaska to Nicaragua, from the south of England to...
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Edinburgh, December 2010

Back in Edinburgh for a quick pitstop before travelling down to Suffolk for Christmas and New Year - if the airports are open long enough... so this might well be the last post this year.  That said, a very happy Christmas to everyone and thanks for your support and interest in the blog so far!  Lots of happiness, health and good luck for the new year - Back in 2011HAPPY HOLIDAYS
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