
When I'm tutoring creative writing, delving into a mentoring session or doing a spot of 'book doctoring' I often mention how a good ending is equally the beginning of something else, of what's to come next in the story. Publication of a novel is a perfect example of that.

The product - book - is out there; the end of the months, if not years, in a successful publication process. It starts out as a private stage, slowing growing more public with hints of plot, of themes, of front cover design and back cover blurb, until there it is produly on the shelf for all to see. There's a flurry of promotion that is endless hard work behind the scenes.

Interviews, blog tours, signing opportunities, reviews...my debut The Almost Truth is certainly at the more modest end of publication, but it's still a pleasing carousel of all these events! And huge thanks to everyone who has posted and promoted, or in any way asked for my input.

One of the most supportive of place is the online writers community  Home - Writing.ie, a sort of specialised one-stop-shop for all things writing-related.  Here, I've written about My Path to Publication: The Almost Truth by Anne Hamilton - Writing.ie and also about the experience of being in two camps: author and editor in The Editor, Edited: The Almost Truth by Anne Hamilton - Writing.ie

If youre interested in either, please hop over and have a look - and at the same time, browse the huge resource it is. Happy reading!


Anne x 

Launching The Almost Truth
Summer Sun and Writing


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