Writers Block

A sleeping baby, a fully charged computer, a blank page just waiting for my thoughts and a bar of sustaining chocolate to hand  Time To Write...

... and I can't think of a thing to say.

Real life has overtaken me somewhat.  In just over a month, Simon will be one year old (how on earth did that happen???) and we're off shortly to Washington DC to celebrate with the American/Nicaraguan branch of his family.  Meanwhile, the bills are more or less paid by online tutoring and one-to-one mentoring of creative writing students.  This is something I love doing and it's never a second best to my own writing, but it is a huge (and legitimate, as opposed to cleaning, eating and watching TV) distraction.  The first draft of my novel, part of my ongoing PhD, is due at the end of the summer and let's just say I'm a few words off the 80,000 word total...

ABBW has gone quiet for the time being.  I'm shamefully aware that I should be out there marketing it with vigour and confidence, but somehow looking and sounding professional is not so easy with a grinning, babbling baby in tow (he takes centre stage every time) and food stains (mostly his rather than mine.  I think) down my front.

How did JK Rowling DO it???
Writers Block
A Day in the Life...

Comments 1

Guest - Barbara Bootsie on Tuesday, 13 March 2012 12:06

Hey Anne,Loving the blog. Fascinated to know what your novel is about! Care to give us a hint? Bootsie

Hey Anne,Loving the blog. Fascinated to know what your novel is about! Care to give us a hint? Bootsie
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