Very Inspiring Blogger Award

A Very Happy New Year to you all!

Thanks to Wendy Clarke for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blog Award - especially appreciated since Wendy's own new blog is so well researched, written and put together...

The requirements for the blogger award want me to tell you all 7 completely random facts about myself and to nominate other blogs.  So here goes:

Anne's Total Trivia

  • I've run half a dozen 10k events
  • I once played Little Orphan Annie
  • I hate the dark
  • Inside, I'm tall, blonde and willowy...
  • I wrote my first novel when I was ten (one day I'll find it and read it again... help!)
  • I love terrible American sitcoms!
  • As a teenager I had a holiday job as a National Express stewardess

Best of luck to everyone in 2013 - in life, writing and whatever your dreams may be!


Very Inspiring Blogger Award
Write Right goes 'live'...

Comments 2

Guest - Wendy's Writing on Thursday, 10 January 2013 09:39

Hi AnneJust to say I have just downloaded A Blonde Bengali Wife onto my new kindle and look forward to reading it - sorry it's taken so long! I shall have a look at the other blogs you have nominated.

Hi AnneJust to say I have just downloaded A Blonde Bengali Wife onto my new kindle and look forward to reading it - sorry it's taken so long! I shall have a look at the other blogs you have nominated.
Guest - Marianne Wheelaghan on Monday, 07 January 2013 14:56

Hey Annethanks for nominating me for a Very Inspiring Blog Award - i am very honoured to have now been nominated twice - yeh hey :) Have a great 2013, Anne, and happy writing! Look forward to reading your new novel ... maybe this year ???Marianne x

Hey Annethanks for nominating me for a Very Inspiring Blog Award - i am very honoured to have now been nominated twice - yeh hey :) Have a great 2013, Anne, and happy writing! Look forward to reading your new novel ... maybe this year ???Marianne x
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