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Beautful Bhola's Garden

It's probably not often that the Scottish flag is flown on the island of Bhola. Actually, it wasn't this time either. When we arrived mid-February, the boys and girls, resplendent in new school uniforms, were waiting to great us waving Swedish flags - but the thought was there!Two years since our last visit, and there have been many changes, but the warmth of the welcome remains, and in minutes, I feel as if I'm settled back into my second-home. We travelled on the overnight launch - a 'new' (aka 'almost sea-worthy') one - just in time for breakfast, and after that the time flew by!Our director, Zakir. has now been in post for a year, and Bhola Garden is settled and peaceful - well, as much as a home and school for fifty one children, a large staff, and frequent visitors ever will be! The younger children head off to the local...
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A Blonde Bengali Wife Goes On (Blog) Tour

Brook Cottage Books is thrilled to be organising a blog tour for A Blonde Bengali Wife by Anne Hamilton.The tour will run from 1st - 12th February, and will include reviews, guest posts, interviews and promo posts.  Date: 1st February- Devika Fernando - Victoria's Pages of Romance  Date: 2nd February- Ali The Dragon SlayerDate: 3rd February- All Things Bookie - Authors and Readers Book Corner Date: 4th February- Linda's Book Bag Date: 5th February- Around The World in Books - Fiction Dreams  Date: 8th February- Boom Baby Reviews - The Gingerbread CottageDate: 9th February- Celtic Connexions Date: 10th February- Jo Lambert BooksDate: 11th February- Being Anne Date: 12th February- Brook Cottage Books Please do travel along with us by clicking on the links above. Not only will you be supporting Bhola's Children but getting an insight into some great blogs at the same time! I'm delighted that so many people are willing to be part of A Blonde...
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Writing Right in 2016

Happy New Year! May 2016 bring you happiness, health, a bit of wealth, and many opportunities.  Tis the season to make resolutions, or resolve not to make resolutions, and I'm always on the fence between the two. I like the idea of a fresh start but surely the beginning of a new year, and all the hype and expectations, will just set me up to fail... That said, probably like all would-be writers, I do vow to write more. That is, write stories - not tweets, FB posts, features about writing, editing comments, book reviews, oh and blog-posts - and enjoy writing them. That's the thing, actually. Any resolutions I would make would be boring, safe, obvious. But, one of the many fascinating things about the world of writing is that there are always people out there with the best suggestions and intentions and I wish I'd thought of them first.  So, from a random, stratified,...
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Spotlight on Bhola

With A Blonde Bengali Wife well and truly reprinted, having reached #1 bestseller status (and still snugly in the top ten - #3 as I write) and gathering some positive reviews, I remain very grateful to all the people who are supporting it in whatever way.This month I want to take a break from the writing and put the spotlight back on Bhola's Children. All is going well in the community. The new director, Zakir, and his young family, are continuing to settle in and call the place home. Zakir is happy to get involved at all levels - though being decorated might not have been in his original job description! Meanwhile, his wife and daughters show off the more peaceful side of the boundary.In addition to the woodwork and carpentry, the farming and agriculture projects, the metal workshop is really taking off (it's a bed frame in the picture) and offers another skill and train opportunity...
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The Oscars: 'A Blonde Bengali Wife' Style

Remember the old saying that a shoemaker's child is never well-shod? I am guilty of that this month: so busy writing elsewhere about A Blonde Bengali Wife, I've neglected my dear old blog! Then again, said blog has always been more of an on-line diary than an interactive and dynamic example of social media. Following the last couple of weeks where I've been 'appearing' on blogs that are outstanding, I'm quite tempted to revert to the old TV programme and suggest you leave here and 'Why Don't You... Go and do something less boring instead...?'But first - Before you go, do read on and find out how the new, re-edited A Blonde Bengali Wife became an Amazon Kindle eBook Bestseller (just rolls off the tongue) in ALL the categories in which it's marketed (UK and dotcom) and even hit #1 in the UK's World Literature/Asia. It's hovering just below there as...
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