(Bangla) Friends Reunited

Having just returned from a whirlwind summer of travel, I'm once again reminded how indebted I am to so many long-standing and new friends for their generous hospitality.  On the most recent trip this ranges from Ger and Jackie in Ireland to Jose in Washington DC and all the folks in Virginia, to Jay and Charles and Ravi, Valeria and Marla in California and to Guillermo and Dick in Vermont... And the many others who have visited and, very importantly, shared in Simon's 4th birthday!

Of course, there are hundreds of others from Bangladesh - most of them mentioned here on the blog or forever remembered in the pages of A Blonde Bengali Wife - to Tanzania to New Zealand and everywhere in between that are unsung yet treasured.

I can only hope that somehow and someday I manage to pay as many of you back as I can...

Readers of my Bangla musings will have heard countless times about Munnu, Mannu and Bachchu, the three brothers who have made me as near as is possible to a sister.  Well, it's not much but at least this year, I've been able to welcome Bachchu to Edinburgh for a brief but lovely stay and show him our home. 

It was a literal case of friends reunited: Jacqui also met all three brothers (and many other family members) during our visit in 2008 and Allan and Simon met Bachchu earlier this year on our 2014 trip.  A wonderful evening, and let this post be both a genuine, if inadequate, thanks to all of you out there - and a general welcome to anyone passing through Scotland in the years to come!

Anne x

Freda Runs For Bhola
Bangla Food for Dragon-Slayers

Comments 2

Guest - Kendra on Saturday, 06 September 2014 14:37

Hi Anne,It sounds like you've had a fantastic summer. It must have been wonderful having Bachchu visit you in Edinburgh--always great to make connections with people who are far away. Happy belated birthday to Simon too. Best wishes, Kendra

Hi Anne,It sounds like you've had a fantastic summer. It must have been wonderful having Bachchu visit you in Edinburgh--always great to make connections with people who are far away. Happy belated birthday to Simon too. Best wishes, Kendra
Guest - katie200 on Sunday, 31 August 2014 20:35

Hi Anne. What a lovely post....I'm glad you had a lovely trip. :)Take care.Katie,,

Hi Anne. What a lovely post....I'm glad you had a lovely trip. :)Take care.Katie,,
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