Clara Challoner Walker

tapestryAnne was originally my tutor for an online writing course when I was in the throes of writing my first novel, and her thoughtful and constructive suggestions motivated me to finish the initial draft. Her unique blend of insight and professionalism make her an easy person to ‘click’ with, even when she is suggesting some pretty fundamental changes to your ‘baby’!

Anne quickly turned around several redrafts of A Tapestry of Vice and Virtue, providing valuable feedback, insight and edits throughout. Thereafter she continued to act as a mentor and coach as I navigated the process of publication.

I am delighted to have sold several hundred copies of A Tapestry of Vice and Virtue, both in paperback and eBook formats and to have received great feedback from all over the world. Without Anne, it simply would not have happened. Soon it will be time to turn my mind and energies to a  second novel upon which I will embark with confidence, knowing I have Anne’s support to draw upon again.

A Tapestry of Vice and Virtue by Clara Challoner Walker 

Ruth Hunt

singlefeatherAnne worked with me as a Developmental Editor as I was writing The Single Feather. When you are working on a novel, it is so easy to get lost in the details, but Anne was able to keep an eye on the bigger picture as well and guide me through to publication. From day one, I felt she understood me, my aims and my ambition. I learnt so much from her in terms of style, creative writing and novel-writing, that I now recommend her services to anyone I know who is writing a book.

The Single Feather by Ruth F. Hunt

Vicky Newham

Anne’s feedback style really worked for me as it was honest while also being encouraging. She has read two drafts of my novel and given me extremely useful feedback on these. I feel she ‘gets’ how/what I want to write, and helps me to understand how I can achieve that. I trust her judgement, and know of two other people whose wo

rk she’s edited, who feel the same. If you want an editor or mentor who will take the time to understand your vision, I highly recommend Anne. 

 Turn A Blind Eye by Vicky Newham

Kendra Olson

forestkingsAnne’s experience as a storyteller and creative writing teacher both assisted me in seeing areas where my story (and writing) needed strengthening and gently guided me through the redrafting process, thereby making it as painless and pleasant as it could be. Her eagle-eye really helped in spotting grammatical errors and stylistic inconsistencies. Anne’s sensitivity and friendliness made her easy and fun to work with and her directness regarding problems was much appreciated.

Through my experience of working with Anne I’ve learned a lot about my own writing process and how to improve it. As a result, my writing is stronger and I’m more able to see problems where they exist. Without Anne’s expert guidance it is unlikely I would be a published novelist today.

The Forest King's Daughter by Kendra Olson

Corrie Jackson

corriejackson"Anne Hamilton is a fantastic editor. Her attention to detail is second-to-none, and she is always ready with brilliant suggestions for improving your novel. Writing your debut is tough and I’m not certain I would have continued with Breaking Dead if it hadn’t been for Anne. From the very first draft, through to querying agents and signing my contract, Anne was the one voice I trusted above all else. If it weren’t for her, I doubt I would ever have got my book deal so thank you Anne!"

 Breaking Dead by Corrie Jackson


Lucy James

secondchance "I have had the immense good luck in finding Anne, who very kindly agreed to mentor and guide me through the minefield of writing my first novel.  Without her invaluable help, advice and constructive criticism, my story would still be a few scribbles on a pad.  Her infinite enthusiasm throughout was inspiring and gave me the motivation to keep going even when I was staring at a blank sheet of paper.  That novel is now finished, and published as a Kindle eBook, and I have almost completed my second. I know I could never have done it alone."

A Second Chance? by Lucy James

Katrina Hart

findingdestiny"Anne has a great way with dyslexic learners, she has always edited me in a way I can follow easily and is very open to any question I may have had. Her students are really lucky to have her, nobody has made me believe I can write like she did. It has been a pleasure working on all three of my (published) manuscripts with her. Anne's a lovely person who has helped me a lot and I would recommend her editing service to anyone."

Finding Destiny by Katrina Hart

Wendy Clarke

thelastrose"I would never have achieved my dream of becoming a writer (for women’s magazines) had it not been for Anne’s tutoring, guidance and encouragement."

The Last Rose by Wendy Clarke